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Katharine Mershon
Board Member

Originally from Chicago, Katharine Mershon moved to Waynesville in 2020 to teach in the Philosophy and Religion department at Western Carolina University. She received her Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the University of Chicago. Her research, including her forthcoming book, focuses on the relationship between religion and animals in the United States—especially in animal rescue. A dog lover from childhood, Katharine’s research and life were transformed by her experiences volunteering in Chicago.


 While there, she volunteered with Safe Humane Chicago, where she worked with animals in programs rooted in evidence- and reward-based methods, including manners classes, playgroup, and socialization with court case dogs and cats. Through Safe Humane, she also participated in dog handling technique courses for incarcerated individuals to increase their employment prospects upon reentry. 


These opportunities solidified her conviction that caring about animals also means caring about people. Katharine has a special place in her heart for “pit bull type” dogs, though she considers herself both a dog and cat person. 


When she’s not spending time with her students at Western, Katharine is hanging out with her husband, Kevin, and their rescue dogs, Joni and Frankie, and two cats, Jake and Elwood. She joined the Board at Sarge’s in hopes of better serving and deepening her connections within the community.

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